Monday, 26 January 2009


Ahh Portabello road, pilgrimidge site for Hugh Grant lovers everywhere, or if you're me, Sienna Miller and Alice Temperly. I think they're equally fantastic, and while you may be able to secretly be in love with Hugh everyday, you certainly can't wear him. Honestly I can't wear Temperly either, but I do have the Target version, and I wore it that day under that coat (power to the recessionistas everywhere!) Really though, Portabello road and market is something that I have never seen in the states. I guess the closest thing would be a flea market, but this has produce, olives, cheese, bread, dresses, and jewlery all along side eachother lining this tiny street. 

I was perusing a street cart and this particular old man was selling antique cameo and deco jewlery. I picked one up and asked him how much it was and he just tells me, "Find yourself a rich boyfriend, bring him back here, and it can be yours." Strangely this was not the only time this happened. I was talking to a vintage pipe dealer and he says, "So this is for your boyfriend?" I said yes and he says, "Well when you bring him back here make sure he's rich, eh?". I guess that says something about the affordability of most of the antiques, but they're at least fun to look at and pretend  you can afford. I mean clearly you're not going to fool them, so why not?

Here's to you Hugh! 

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